Wholesale & Retail Market

CMM is a permanent market located within Refreshed Furnishings and open to the public.  Artisans & vendors showcase their unique products (mainly handmade) at the Market and store owners and the general public, from near and far are able to see, touch, smell and check the quality of the products before they make their purchases. Home décor items, giftware, holiday and seasonal items, antiques / vintage, small furniture, textiles, jewelry, signs, crafts, florals, gourmet foods, and hand-made items are just some of the products that will be available year-round at the Market.


Convenient Shopping Under One Roof

Keep It Simple

No On-Going Labor-Intensive Set-Ups & Tear-Downs As With Weekend Shows/Pop-Ups

Data, Data, Data

Monthly Vendor Payout & Real-Time Web Based Inventory Management & Sales Reports

No Work Requirements

Vendors Work Their Regular Job & We Handle the Rest

Know Your Inventory

Real-Time Tracking System So You Know When to Re-Stock Your Store/Space

No Long-Term Commitments

Vendors Sign a Short Agreement & Addendum with CMM

Easy In, Easy Out

Ground Floor Delivery & Entry is Available

Special Events

Periodic Annual Open House & Sales Events

Put Your Touch On It

Create Your Own Unique Store Inside the Market & Let the Sales Begin

Current vendors